Leasing is much faster and easier than bank financing. We can provide pre-approvals in 30 minutes.
A true lease is 100% tax deductible. Bank-financed equipment must be depreciated over a period of years and only the interest portion is deductible.
Leasing Can Accelerate Your Write-Offs. You can set the term of a true lease to a shorter period than the I.R.S. depreciation schedule--effectively writing your equipment off FASTER!
No restrictive covenants on future borrowing. Most banks attach broad restrictions on your ability to seek future financing without their express consent.
No "cross collateralization." Banks often require that you pledge other collateral (assets). They do this by filing "blanket liens" that effectively secure all of your equipment and assets, not just the equipment you are acquiring. Your future financial flexibility may be severely compromised.
Lower cash requirements. Banks "typically" require 10-25% down payments while leases require only one or two payments in advance. Sometimes, nothing down.
Lease are 100% financing and can include soft costs like installation and training, shipping, pre-paid service contracts etc.
No "compensating balance" requirements. Most banks want all of your commercial business including checking and savings accounts with minimum balance requirements. Leasing companies do not.
True leases are ("off-balance sheet"). Because you don't own the equipment you needn't record the asset or the liability. (This is important to many companies with bank lines that restrict debt and liquidity ratios.)
No business plan required/No loan committee runaround.
Lease Payments Are Fixed... Bank Rates Float. Lease payments are easily budgeted expenses.